Rajasthani Traditional Aad adorned with seven straight Latkan. Crafted from high-quality alloyed metal and finished with a golden micro polish (artificial), this Aad captures the essence of Rajasthan's rich cultural heritage. It's an exquisite piece exclusively available at Banadi Store.
Step into the world of Rajasthani tradition with our Rajasthani Traditional Aad adorned with seven straight Latkan. Crafted from high-quality alloyed metal and finished with a golden micro polish (artificial), this Aad captures the essence of Rajasthan's rich cultural heritage. It's an exquisite piece exclusively available at Banadi Store.
Product Details:
Material: Alloyed Metal
Finish: Artificial Golden Micro Polish
Decoration: White and Pink Stones
Latkan: Seven Straight Latkan
Available at: Banadi Store
Elevate your elegance with this traditional Aad. The alloyed metal, polished with artificial golden micro polish, radiates grandeur. It's adorned with a combination of White and Pink Stones, adding a touch of tradition and charm.
The highlight of this Aad is its seven straight Latkan, which provides graceful movement and enhances your appearance. Whether you're attending a wedding, a festival, or any cultural event, this Rajasthani Traditional Aad is the perfect accessory to complete your look.
Experience the richness of Rajasthan with Banadi Store's exclusive collection. Order this exquisite Aad today and embrace the cultural heritage of Rajasthan.
Please handle this Aad with care to maintain its luster and brilliance.
Explore Banadi Store's selection and embrace the allure of Rajasthani culture with this timeless Traditional Aad with Seven Straight Latkan. Don't miss your chance to own a piece of tradition!